Tuesday, October 23, 2012

YouTube Video Game Commentary

Recently I have been consumed by this section of the YouTubeverse. Occasionally it can be as fun to watch a video game as it is to play. Having grown up wholly steeped in video game culture, playing games since before I can remember and playing almost every day of my life, having this outlet to watch has been a real joy. I'm used to playing with friends over the webs but as we all get on in years, it seems less and less likely that gaming together with old pals can continue. For me there is something extremely entertaining about watching someone play a game and hearing them talk about the experience. It's similar to being in the same room as your buddy watching them play as you listen to them occasionally freak out and do generally strange things as they stare and talk at the screen. I'm talking specifically here about the "let's play" videos where a commentator goes through a game while narrating the experience. Typing it out I'm aware of how lame it sounds to watch someone play a game instead of just playing it yourself, but there is something oddly intimate about the experience, you almost feel like you are playing with this total stranger, and that to me is the real draw to the genre of videos. Basically my opinion is if you are a nerd, love video games and don't have witty friends to play with on your own, these commentators and channels are amazing. Here is a list of my three favorite YouTube commentators and why I love them so dearly.

Seananners- Guy (Adam) just makes me chuckle. He has a real lighthearted approach to commentary which I love, and when you hear/watch him play you can't help but remember that childhood glee we've all experienced at some point playing with friends online or playing your favorite game. He's got over 400 videos and most recently plays Chivalry, Trouble in Terrorist Town, and The Hidden. Adam started with CoD commentary which grew into some unique pseudo philosophical introspection about life and other topics which are insightful and worth a listen, usually most of the recent CoD videos contain this type on non game related commentary. By far my favorite channel in this genre, give it a look.

Uberhaxnova- Or Nova, just started watching his channel recently, specifically to watch his Happy Wheels series in which you experience uncontrollable chuckling at his complete and utter failure to play this game. He also plays tons of Minecraft, newer games like Chivalry, and shitty or hard games where he plays until rage quitting. I find his videos pretty entertaining especially when he starts heartily laughing at his own failure. Another perk of his channel is that you almost certainly will never run out of content as he has over 3,000 uploaded videos...waat. 

Dunkey- Possibly clinically insane, definitely hilarious (in small doses). Dunkey makes LoL videos, plays games with absurd commentary and develops catch phrases on the regular...Not even close baby! While his LoL videos may be what he's most known for, I personally love his playthroughs of older games like Mario 64 and most recently Megaman. He'll toss in a new game commentary like Dishonored, but all these videos share the same borderline psychopathic commentary that make Dunkey so damn endearing. Here's my personal favorite video which encapsulates his style.   


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