Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hi, My Name is Matt

Let me paint you a quick picture. I'm a 20 something guy with too many interests and no real world skills. I'm a recent Master's grad finding it hard to settle into a career, a new place to live (Seattle), and generally being rather confused about life and such. I want to start this blog as a way of chronicling my search for a passion and really just to have a place to be weird and express myself. I'm sure I am not alone in my disillusionment with post education realities that follow graduation. You always hear the phrases, "Do what you love" and "Choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life". If only it were that simple internet quotes! I have a real fear of never finding what I truly love to do and chose a relatively practical major for grad school which has set me down a boring path I may never break free from. But I am a strong proponent of making the best of any situation, and really most things are about how you choose to perceive things. I am beginning to feel hopeless in my pursuit of a career, of a path to follow for the rest of my life, and think this could be that proactive outlet to help me through the process. It's basically my way of looking at who I am and what I like to do in a positive light.

So, what do I like? Well lots of stuffs. Mainly I find myself unhealthily drawn to various forms of entertainment; Books, Movies, Games...lots of games, Food, Writing, Astronomy. Woahh entertainment, real original...I know. But when i say I like these things, it's really more on the obsession level. I think what I'm going to do is write about recent experiences in these areas, reviews, recommendations  and just general commentary on the things I like to follow and do. Occasionally I might toss in a short story as I feel that may be where my true passion lies, talent notwithstanding.

Just to give a sort of picture of my entertainment palate, here are a few of my new and old favorites:

Books: Kingkiller Chronicles, Dark Tower Series, The Stand, The Road, Blood Meridian, Mistborn, I Am Legend, Song of Ice and Fire (minus the newest one because there is no way in hell I'm waiting 6 years to read the following instillation), Snow Crash, so basically Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Western, Horror, Violent.

Movies: Shit tons, see most new releases and am a Netflix and foreign film addict but most recently, Drive, Bellflower, Raid Redemption, Looper. Some old favorites include, 28 Days Later, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, I Saw the Devil, Descent, Moon, Sushine.

Games: Most recently, Guild Wars 2, Borderlands 2, The Witcher 2, Left for Dead 2, NBA 2k13. Old pals include, WoW, KOTOR, Elder Scrolls, Pokemon (whatever I would play it today if I had a Game Boy), LoL, Red Dead Redemption, so many more.

Food: Love the shit out of Yelp, try to go to places as often as possible and just moved to Seattle, so there's lots to do but so far Pasaeo is my favorite spot. Love beer also so might try to find that perfect IPA at some point depending on how hard SAD hits in the winter.

Writing: I have always been drawn to creative writing, ever since my first English class short story assignment in elementary school where I wrote a story about some sort of zombie apocalypse bordering dangerously close on the Resident Evil franchise premise. Since then I have taken creative writing classes throughout college and they were always my favorite class of the semester. I think i'm drawn to the process of creating a world and seeing how people react to what I give them to read. I would really like to pursue this avenue of creativity and see where it takes me if I take it seriously but fear my prose is lacking and doubt I have a voice yet.

Astronomy: This is really just more of an interest, I will watch anything astro related be it movie, documentary or tv. As a young lad I took great solace in contemplating the universe. As a non-religious person, I feel thinking about the universe, its structure and how beautiful everything is has given me something as close to spiritual as I can imagine.

This is essentially how I see myself and my interests as of today. I hope this space can become something special for me and anyone who shares similar interests and I look forward to adding content as I search for my passion and my niche place in the entertainment universe.

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